Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer or FTIR Diamond Classifier

The FTIR can help distinguish natural diamonds from synthetic diamonds. This is because the vast majority of natural diamonds that are clear to almost colorless are type Ia (nitrogen-containing diamonds), which comprise about 95% of all diamonds found in nature.
Which while other types of diamonds are considered rare Which is less than 5 percent of all diamonds, such as type IIa diamonds (without nitrogenous elements) can only be found in 1-2 percent in nature. This group can be found in a wide variety of synthetic diamonds. However, there have been no reports of synthetic diamonds belonging to Type Ia.
When the FTIR detects that the diamond is type Ia, Jewelers immediately recognize that the diamond is of natural origin. We can confirm that all our diamond products pass stringent inspection criteria. According to international standard practice All customers can be confident that diamonds from NGG are all natural diamonds.
The FTIR is an essential, exclusive tool in the leading gem lab. The tool is designed to be versatile. Experienced jewelers will be able to use FTIR for the natural verification and quality improvement of a wide range of gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds and jade.
Author : NGG content creator